We use a free app that allows you to film and send your motions directly to us.
One of our Master Coaches will analyze and compare your motion to our Ideal Single Plane Model and tell you exactly what to focus on when you practice.
Putting, chipping, pitching, bunker, full swing – you name it – we cover it! These videos can be captured at the course, indoors, at home, apartment, hotel room, backyard, garage, literally anywhere!

Every week we send Gold Members an instructional video that directly relates to a certain area of the game.
We cater these videos to what the Members would like to see and common areas that conspire during our online video lessons.
All of our Weekly Coaching Videos are stored inside of our Membership site that you can review at anytime!

If you ever have any questions about anything golf related or want further assistance, simply send us a text or email and we will send you a video response.
Outside of hands-on instruction at our Single Plane Golf Schools, VIDEO is the most powerful form of training!