Have you ever wondered why your performance is so drastically different from the driving range to the first tee?
It’s arguably the most nerve-wracking, nail-biting, anger-inducing hole in all of golf.
It’s a walk that can stir up negative thoughts, and seems to perpetuate with each step that players take as they get closer to the tee.
Moe called it “The Longest Walk In Golf”
Do you take your swing with you?
How do you handle pressure?
Do you buckle when faced with failure?
Can you execute your swing when you need it?
How do you take what the course gives you and WIN!
These are all components of competing at the game.
Being competitive on the golf course adds an element to the game that makes it either incredibly fun…
…or just plain torture!
Join us for our next workshop, “The Longest Walk”, where Graves Golf Master Instructor Chandler Rusk will cover:
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